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You Need But Say the Magic Word - how to get Accor Hotels to stop spamming you

I once booked a hotel in London (I think?) and gave Accor my email address so they could send me the information. Without asking me, they added me to their list of accounts to spam with marketing bullshit ("exciting offers" and "don't let your points go to waste").

Cue this exchange:

  1. I send them this:
    I have never consented to receiving any mail not directly related to a booking I have made. I demand you delete my account and my email address from your records immediately.

  2. They reply with:
    Dear Mr. [REDACTED],

    Thank you for reaching ALL Accor Live Limitless customer Data Privacy Team.

    We have well taken note of your request regarding deleting your account.

    In accordance with the applicable regulations and for the sake of confidentiality and protection of your personal data, we must authenticate you in order to be able to respond to your query. Please reply to this email and provide us with your personal data as it is displayed today on your account. This aims to protect you from malicious request from unauthorized third parties:

    1.1. First name:
    1.2. Last name:
    2. Email address:
    3. Postal address AND/OR telephone number AND/OR one of the last three stays credited:

    Upon reception of your account’s information, our team will carry out the necessary investigation and get back to you as soon as possible.

    We remain at your disposal for further inquiries.

    Kind Regards,

    Data Privacy Team
    ALL Accor Live Limitless

  3. ???

  4. PROFIT: Accor deletes my data (or so they claim, at least).

What is step 3, you ask? You wouldn't believe me if I told you:
To whomever it may concern:

I, the owner and sole recipient of this email address, forbid you and your entire company from writing to this email address in the future. If you continue to do so, I will take legal action.


To which they reply:
Dear Mr. [REDACTED],

We have reviewed your request to cancel your membership in our loyalty program.

We confirm that your membership has been canceled and that your account and personal data have been deleted from our database.

We remain at your disposal should you have any additional requests.

Kind regards,

Data Privacy Team
ALL Accor Live Limitless

Fuck Accor and fuck advertisers everywhere. I only wanted a roof over my head when I went to London; we're not friends. Get back, motherfucker, you don't know me like that.

Bonus LOL: Here's something they tacked on to their reply:

This e-mail, any attachments and the information contained therein ("this message") are confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressee(s). If you have received this message in error please send it back to the sender and delete it. Unauthorized publication, use, dissemination or disclosure of this message, either in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
Get bent.


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